tangro IM and tangro OC at Arburg

Comprehensive document processing - All of the incoming invoices and order confirmations at Arburg - manufacturers of injection moulding machines and additive manufacturing systems for plastics processing-are processed automatically with tangro solutions.

These automated systems enable the processing speed to be increased, the amount of paper waste to be reduced, and a significant improvement in the transparency of document processing.

The number of documents coming in to Arburg in any given year lies in the six figure range. The Swabian machine builders receive not only invoices but also order confirmations via post, fax, and email. Processing these documents manually was never very efficient: invoice entry and verification cost staff a great deal of time, particularly when dealing with queries. The processing of order confirmations was also time-consuming and research was associated with considerable expense.

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[] Arburg verarbeitet Rechnungen und Auftragsbestätigungen automatisiert mit tangro
Comprehensive document processing: Invoices and order confirmations are processed at Arburg with tangro
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