Industry: Manufacturer of electrical products

Automated processing of order confirmations and delivery notes

Feller AG, Swiss manufacturer of electrical products, uses in the purchasing department tangro software for automated document processing. An optimisation measure with several benefits: processing is much faster and manual work is reduced to a minimum. At the same time, the document data is automatically compared with the purchase order in SAP, enabling discrepancies in say quantities or delivery dates to be reliably recognised in good time. And because all incoming documents are available in a digital format, all filing can be undertaken electronically. As software for automated document processing, tangro made it to the top of Feller's list because the solution is designed as a complete system and is therefore highly versatile.

Oliver Szabo, in charge of goods receipt at Feller: "While other providers only offered individual solutions, tangro provides lots of different possible applications – including the automated processing of order confirmations and delivery notes." These two types of documents were exactly the ones which Feller AG wanted to optimise. tangro OC (Order Confirmation) instantly recognises the supplier and purchase order number, item data such as material and number of units is also checked on the basis of the purchase order number and the delivery date is checked. If all the content matches the purchase order, the document can be posted to SAP at the touch of a button. As soon as a difference is detected, the fulfilment confirmation remains in the invoice entry list and can be checked again and clarified using the scanned document image. Data recall in the event of queries is quick and easy because the order confirmation is assigned to the purchase order in SAP and can therefore be recalled at any time.

On the basis of this good experience, Feller decided to also process its delivery notes using tangro software. "I was particularly impressed with how tangro automatically recognises the most important delivery note content and completes the fields in advance," says Oliver Szabo, in charge of goods receipt at Feller.

  • Industry
    Manufacturer of electrical products
  • Subject
    Order Confirmations
    Delivery Notes
  • Volume of documents
    11,000 order confirmations/year
    16,000 delivery notes/year
Feller optimises its goods receipt processes with tangro software

Digitalisation of order confirmations and delivery notes

Automatic recognition of content

Automatic checking against the purchase order

90% of order confirmations can be posted immediately

Processing 50% faster (from several minutes to a matter of seconds)

Electronic storage

For tangro DM (Delivery Note Management) thereby solves not just the space issue but has also greatly optimised time-consuming processing for these documents. The system automatically establishes the delivery note and bill of lading number and the delivery note date and transfers the document to the invoice entry list. The scanned document image and the pre-completed fields in the tangro screen are then directly available for checks. If the number of units matches the SAP purchase order, the goods receipt can be posted immediately. If there's a difference, the agent can consult the scanned document image and pre-completed fields in the tangro editing screen to find the discrepancy or see what data is missing. Subsequent processing is very simple.

tangro solutions ensures more efficiency at Feller
While it used to take us several minutes to process and check an order confirmation, we can now do it in a couple of seconds. tangro OC now automatically handles around 90 percent of all fulfilment confirmations.
Oliver Szabo In charge of goods receipt
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