QR invoices

As of 30 June 2020, all invoice recipients in Switzerland must be able to process QR invoices. If you use tangro software, you will still be in a position to make payments after 1 July: tangro is a long-standing expert in automated invoice processing and naturally also supports QR invoices.

A QR invoice is an invoice with an integral payment section and receipt, which can either be sent through the post as a paper document or e-mailed as a PDF. It contains a digital QR code, the so-called Swiss QR Code, in addition to the payment information appearing as text that can be read as normal. This information in electronic form is essential for making the payment and processing the invoice in accounts payable. Amongst other things, this includes information about the payment recipient, payment information such as the IBAN, the structured reference number and a free text field for further information. This data can be read by a machine and can therefore be processed by a system and payment initiated much faster.

tangro also processes QR invoices automatically and therefore ensures smooth invoice processing even after 30 June 2020. At the same time, tangro provides a smooth transition because the system supports the old ESR reference number as well as the QR reference number. The previously used payment orders are therefore still recognised and processed.

tangro processes QR invoices received by e-mail as PDFs as well as QR invoices in a paper format. The software automatically takes data, such as the QR IBAN, from the Swiss QR code and puts these values into the corresponding fields in the tangro mask. Any recognised content can also be transferred into the tangro text field.

The automated transfer of data from the QR invoice means that information is present without any errors. There is no need for payment data to be entered manually. The data needed for reconciliation is available to the accounts payable department. The document can be simply posted in SAP at the click of the mouse if everything is OK, or forwarded in the approval workflow. If necessary, fully automatic posting in the background is also possible if desired. No editing work whatsoever is needed any more. The entire process from receipt of the invoice to the payment run runs seamlessly.

Please note: The processing of QR codes with tangro is possible from TBCS version on. If you are not yet using this version, please contact our customer support at Support@tangro.de.

Learn more about QR invoices in our blog.

tangro supports the Swiss QR code.
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